The agile frequency synthesizer of the ADF7242 together with short turnaround times facilitates the implementation of FHSS transmission systems.
The ADF7242 features a flexible dual port RF-interface with support for switched antenna diversity.
The ADF7242 supports IEEE 802.15.4 compliant DSSS-OQPSK modulation with a bitrate of 250 kbps and also supports FSK and GFSK modulation with bitrates from 62.5 kbps to 2 Mbps.
The ADF7242 transceiver is equipped with a 4 wire SPI interface ( SCLK, SO, SI and CSN ).
The ADF7242 transceiver circuit has many features like : programmable data rates and modulation , low power consumption (18 mA (typ.) in receive mode , 22 mA (typ.) in transmit mode (Po = 3 dBm) 1.25μA 32kHz xtal oscillator wake-up mode) , high sensitivity (97 dBm at 250 kbps (IEEE 802.15.4), 93 dBm at 250 kbps (GFSK) , 84 dBm at 2 Mbps (GFSK) ) , programmable output power, integrated voltage regulator (1.8 V to 3.6 V input voltage range) , zero-IF architecture, digital RSSI measurement , 256 bytes for TX /RX buffer , flexible multiple RF port interface , external PA/LNA support hardware , switched antenna diversity support , wake up timer , integrated PLL loop filter , integrated battery monitor , temperature sensor , integrated RC and 32kHz crystal oscillator , flexible SPI control interface and many others .
ADF7242 fully supports arbitrary data rates only for FSK mode of operation.
The ADF7242 also has a built in battery monitor features that has a very low power consumption and may be used in parallel with any mode of operation, except SLEEP state. The battery monitor generates a battery alert interrupt for the MCU when the battery voltage drops below the programmed threshold voltage.
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