This little circuit can assist you to get rid of all surplus tiny ac mains adaptors from your desktop. The circuit is nothing, however a sensible dc power box directly powered by the smps of your desktop pc. Regulated, clean and guarded +12VDC is offered at the output of this unit. additionally, a USB power port is provided to re-charge transportable devices as well as cellphones and music players, etc.
How will the computer power box works
How will the computer power box works
All you would like is to open your system box and connect an unused 4-pin drive power connector from the system smps to the current circuit. +12V (Yellow wire) from the smps is processed by a resettable electronic fuse designed around elements T1, T2 and T3 and feed to the output terminal. equally the +12V is down converted to stable +5V by fastened three pin regulator IC1.
Smart dc power box circuit schematic

As a result, +12V (500 -750mA max, based mostly on the electrical characteristics of T2 used) and +5V (1A max) DC provides are obtainable for external use, while not affecting the traditional computer functions. Switch S1 is that the power on/off cum reset switch. Resistor R3 sets the utmost allowable output current rate and T1 disables the output power switch T3, when output load current exceeds the set price.
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